NATK12.TXT "Neiki's Astro Tool Kit" version 1.2 "S" (December 1994) --------------------------------------------------------- Decmber 1st, 1994 1. DESCRIPTION 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. HOW TO INSTALL 4. DISTRIBUTION FILES 5. SHAREWARE POLICY 1. DESCRIPTION "Neiki's Astro Tool Kit" is a simple program to draw and print astrology charts. Yet, it is very accurate and many of its options can be adjusted to the needs and preferences of the user. Its features are: - high-resolution WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") on-screen display and printer output - simplified interactive help using "Help" buttons - 29 pages User's Manual in a Windows Write file - two (2) styles of birth charts: + House wheel (with or without aspect table) + Aspects chart - Synastry chart: graph of interaspects between two birth charts - Transits chart (Mars to Pluto): graph of transits to a birth chart - compute and display positions of: + Sun, Moon, all other 8 planet (Mercury to Pluto), + Mean and True Lunar Nodes + Pars Fortunae - high precision planetary positions computation - six (6) houses systems: Koch, Placidus, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Equal, Vehlow - Natal report with: planets and houses positions, summary of elements and triplicities (by signs and houses), list of aspects (with their "weight-index", a new concept used to find the important aspects) - Synastry report: list of interaspects - Transits report: planets positions, list of transits - support all screens and printers that Windows can use - feature to select output for color or black & white printer - many users defined settings, including: orbs of aspects (birth charts), orbs of transits, orbs of synastry inter-aspects, choice of where output of reports can be sent to: clipboard, text file or to a preview window (font can be selected), and many others. - reasonable registration fee (see 5. SHAREWARE POLICY) 2. REQUIREMENTS You need a 386 or 486 SX or DX PC with 4 MB of RAM, Windows 3.1 and 2 MB of disk space. A math co-processor is useful but NOT required. Time to compute a chart: 386 DX (40 MHz) without co-proc: 2.6 seconds 486 DX (33 MHz) with co-proc: < 0.2 second. 3. HOW TO INSTALL There are two parts to the installation: - Part 1 Install the files - Part 2 Start the application (NATK12.EXE) for the first time and complete the dialog to create the Program Manager Icon for the program. *** Part 1: To install the files 1) Create a directory for this software. Use either File Manager or, at the DOS prompt, type: c: cd \ mkdir NEIKI 2) copy all the distribution files (NATK12RT.ZIP, NATK12S1.ZIP and NATK12.TXT) to C:\NEIKI 3) Unzip both NATK12*.ZIP files. To do this with PKUNZIP, using the DOS prompt, do like this: c: cd \NEIKI pkunzip NATK12S1 pkunzip NATK12RT 4) Now the files are installed. You should copy the .ZIP files to a floppy disk as a backup. If you want to make a copy to give to a friend, please copy the ZIP files and NATK12.TXT: you are sure that he/she will have all the needed pieces. (Once you are done with the installation and have copied the ZIP files to a floppy, you can free some space on your hard disk by deleting the .ZIP files from the \NEIKI directory). *** Part 2: Starting the program and creating the icon You can browse on your hard disk with FILE MANAGER and double-click on the NATK12.EXE program file OR follow the instructions below... NOTE: The example given here assumes that you decided to copy files in the directory above mentioned, C:\NEIKI 1) From within Windows Program Manager, choose the menu "File", select item "Run". 2) Type c:\neiki\natk12 and press ENTER 3) Follow the instructions on screen. 3. DISTRIBUTION FILES Excluding the description file you are reading, there are two (2) distribution files: NATK12S1.ZIP and NATK12RT.ZIP NATK12S1.ZIP contains: README.TXT installation instruction & last minute notes NEIKI12.WRI User's Manual NATK12.EXE program file ASTRCAL2.DLL computation module VWSIGNON.DLL logo & icon module CHARTS1.OCH sample charts file LICENSE.TXT text of User's License REGISTER.TXT registration form LRZ5_24 ephemeris file CHI_24 ephemeris file NATK12RT.ZIP contains: VWBAS20.DLL run-time modules VWICONS.DLL (all are needed to VWVM20.DLL run NATK12.EXE) VWHELP.DLL VWDLGS20.DLL VWFLOAT.DLL VWABORT.DLL NOTE: When there will be a newer version of NATK, you will NOT need to download the Run-Time files (NATK12RT.ZIP) again. 5. SHAREWARE POLICY You should read the details of the license in the file LICENSE.TXT Basically, you have the Author's permission to try this software for 60 days without any cost. If you like this software, you should send you registration with the specified amount of money ($38 US or $49 Canadian) at least three (3) weeks before the end of the sixty (60) days period. The program will reduce its functionalities to a minimum when the 60 days period is over. You can find the registration form in the file REGISTER.TXT (c) Copyright 1994 by Falgor, Archimede & Neiki ______________________________________________________________ MS Write and Microsoft Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PKUNZIP is a trademark of PKWARE Inc.